A heart-warming tale of Pari and her younger blind brother Chotu, who embark on a several hundred kilometre long journey through the Indian desert of Rajasthan to find a way to bring little Chotu his sight back. Along the way they meet scores of colourful characters, sometimes helpful, sometimes not. With a bit of suspense and a lot of humour, set to music and magic and bursting with emotions, Rainbow is a story about the power of sibling love and irresistible childhood optimism.
About the director Nagesh Kukunoor
A heart-warming tale of Pari and her younger blind brother Chotu, who embark on a several hundred kilometre long journey through the Indian desert of Rajasthan to find a way to bring little Chotu his sight back. Along the way they meet scores of colourful characters, sometimes helpful, sometimes not. With a bit of suspense and a lot of humour, set to music and magic and bursting with emotions, Rainbow is a story about the power of sibling love and irresistible childhood optimism.
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